Sunday, February 25, 2007

10. America- Simon and Garfunkel

No round up of the songs that were to influence everything else would be complete without Simon and Garfunkel. Their spectacular brand of misery and dark lyrics combined with pretty hum along tunes is a familiar theme throughout the rest of my record collection. With songs that have opening lines such as; “hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk to you again”, songs that devastate you when you listen to the lyrics and make you realise that you’ve been humming along happily to a nice ditty about the effects of a Nuclear Holocaust, it’s hard to pick just one song to talk about. And so I’ve copped out somewhat and just gone for what I think is one of their best songs, purely on the merit of the song itself. I could have talked about the first time I listened to Richard Cory, the identification with I am a Rock, the amusement of listening to Ceclia and the (as I though at a young age) risky lyrics. But America is just a beautiful song.

It’s got it all, wistful road journeys out into the wilderness, expressions of lostness, being alone, searching for some indefinable meaning, and of course the line “I’m empty and aching and I don’t know why”. I’ve always wanted to go back in time, get a camper van and drive across America, probably due to this song.

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