Sunday, February 25, 2007

30. Have an angel walk with her- Martyn Joseph

There are other Martyn Joesph songs that I would rather put in this collection but this one has the most history and personal story attached to it. It is a song that sums up all I want to do for people but can’t. All I want to be for my friends but can’t. I have held a couple of friends whilst listening to this song and wished it could be true. Thankfully we have one who does not ask these paths of us but walks them himself. I need to remember that.

I have no idea what this song is really about but it is one of the saddest songs he has written, and he isn’t know for his happy ones. The song was recorded in his attic and at the end of the song you can hear the rain coming down on the attic window. I really can’t listen to this one too much, it is too hard to bear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful song - I love Martyn Joseph